Saturday, July 9, 2011

Fix St. James, Sydney, Australia

Fix St. James is an affable little nook in the heart of Sydney and a terrific place for a drink with friends.  They have food too, which looked enticing, but I didn't try any so can't comment.  Their charismatic wine list however is more than enough to make a worthwhile detour from your schedule.  You'll find wines here not available on commercial shelves.  In their own words, " Our wine list is dedicated to hands-on-makers, small growers, crazies and fanatics..."  It's entertaining just reading about the offerings on the menu, however be sure to ask the boss what you should be drinking and he will be sure to tell you (if he hasn't done so already).  Come for a wonderful wine experience.  Love this place!

Fix St. James
111 Elizabeth St.
NSW 2000
+61 (0)2 9232 2767

Fix St. James on Urbanspoon

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