Friday, August 12, 2011

Sari Organik, Ubud, Bali, Indonesia

If you only eat in one place in Ubud, make Sari Organik IT. The whole experience starts about 1km from the restaurant when you exit the busy main road and start following the aquaduct on a meandering stone path through the rice paddies.  You're transported from the constant dodging of motorbikes and offers of "taxi taxi" (with the secret "holding of the steering wheel" mime action) to idylic palm trees swaying in the gentle breeze, squares of greenery bordered by irrigation canals, bamboo huts, the cackle of chickens... and then all of a sudden you're reminded that the main road is not too far away as you're forced to dodge a zooming motorbike who obviously has the right of way on this pedestrian path.  A 15 minute walk (with some moto dodging) gets you to a bamboo structure risen on stilts allowing breezy 360 degree view of the lush surrounds.  Lounge, dine or lay around in the garden chairs to enjoy the super fresh mostly vegetarian offerings at Sari Organik.  The food here will make your body smile on the inside. You can't get any more nutritious than picking your own veges directly from the adjoining organic garden and having them cooked for you.  Sari Organik uses non hybrid seeds, permaculture and fair trade principles, runs education programs and tours and they'll even deliver rice and veges directly to you in the Ubud area.  

Sari Organik
Warung Bodag Maliah
Subak Sok Wayah
Ubud, Bali
0361 780 1839

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