Saturday, April 9, 2011

Quan An Ngon, French Quarter, Hanoi, Vietnam

Quan An Ngon is another place that should be on your "must visit" list for Hanoi. Every variety of Vietnamese street food is all available under one canopy in clean and buzzing surroundings. Seriously there is no need to put your stomach in the hands of a street vendor (who literally cooks on the pavement) when you can go to Quan An Ngon and order every Vietnamese food imaginable and even sit on a chair, not the 10cm high plastic stools on the street corner (of course that could be fun too if you have an iron stomach and no sense of smell.) What makes this place even cooler is that the majority of patrons are Vietnamese. There are a good deal of tourists too, but it's encouraging to see this place is patronized by the locals as well. You can choose to sit outside (my preference) under an enormous umbrella surrounded by the mini-kitchens or in the comfort of the aircon indoors in a more serious restaurant setting. Order from the English menu, walk around to the stalls and point to what you want or ask a friendly local to point out on the menu what they're having. You can't go wrong. Some of the yummy dishes we tried were the mango seafood salad, Vietnamese pancakes, fresh rice paper rolls (although the paper was a little tough and needed a good dose of sauce), fried spring rolls and seafood noodles all naturally accompanied by a few rounds of the local beer, Bia Ha Noi.

Quan An Ngon
18 Phan Boi Chau
French Quarter

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