Wednesday, September 15, 2010

O' Gourmet, Bangsar Shopping Centre, Malaysia

O' Gourmet is a mouth watering find on the ground floor of Bangsar Shopping Centre. It is a whole area dedicated to stalls of fine foods. From coffee, bread, chocolate, pastries, wine, fresh produce, meats (great pork section), sushi, to herbs and spices there is more than enough here to meander for an hour or so salivating over the array of options. The cheese room is to die for. Cheeses from around the world, although mostly Europe and Australia, are all displayed in a lightly refrigerated room so that you can walk in and be with the cheeses. You can sample before you buy and they have a fromager on hand to help you with your selection. If you visit between 3 and 6pm, there is a sommelier available to guide you with wine choice and food pairings. Another highlight for me is the assortment of dried organic fruits with no sugar added. My coffee and fresh bread purchases have been most satisfying too. Yum!

O' Gourmet
Bangsar Shopping Centre
East Wing, Ground Floor
Bangsar Shopping Centre
285 Jalan Maarof
Bukit Bandar Raya
59000 Kuala Lumpur

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